👋 Cy Westbrook here.

ECE and CS student at Rutgers University (Engineering Honors Academy).
Passionate for anything screens, circuits, software, stages, and sound.

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🌐 I've done a lot of web development...

For myself, my friends and teachers, clubs I'm a part of, nonprofits, and even a national security project. Visit my web portfolio to check out all the web sites and apps I've built from scratch.

Visit my web portfolio

...and technical theater. 🎤

Yeah, I'm an engineer, but that doesn't mean I can't love theater. I've worked on dozens of productions in school, community theater, and also some professional settings since I first started in middle school. I work mostly on live mixing audio, but have also spent a lot of time building custom lighting electronics for sets. See the whole list of shows I've been a part of and what I did for each one on my tech theater timeline.

See my tech theater timeline

Right now,

I'm focusing on building my electrical engineering skills and experience. I'm part of several clubs at Rutgers, including Solar Car (I'm the project manager) and the Rocket Propulsion Lab (telemetry). I also work in the Rutgers Swarm Intelligence Lab under Dr. Daniel Burbano (assistant professor ECE). I'm looking for internships anywhere in the field of electronics and software. Download my resume below.

Download my resume